Become a Volunteer
Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festivals are powered by our volunteers.
When you volunteer with us, you join over 100 volunteers to help more than 4,000 music students gain performance experience by competing in Canada’s largest professionally adjudicated music festival.
Volunteer Roles
As an Ambassador, you are the first face a participant sees. You'll provide the guests and participants with a point of contact and a friendly face from the festival.
Typically, you will sit at a desk near the entrance to the venue. You'll be able to direct participants to the correct room, take attendance, and sort their sheet music for the appropriate adjudicator based on their performance time.
Adjudicator Secretary
As the Adjudicator Secretary, you will be the Adjudicator’s right hand as they evaluate musical performances. You will:
Set expectations with the musicians
Introduce the adjudicator
Ensure that students enter the class on time
Ensure that sheet music is correctly organized, and that adjudication forms and certificates are placed according to the adjudicator’s preference.
We’ll be holding two Volunteer Training Sessions online.
Sunday, March 30th from 6 PM to 7 PM.
Thursday, April 3rd from 7 PM to 8 PM.
Zoom meeting links will be emailed to volunteers in advance. If you do not have a link to the meeting, please email volunteer@vkmfestivals.org
Training Schedule.
We appreciate our volunteers, and deeply value those who dedicate their time to improving the experience of our festival participants. In thanks, we offer:
Volunteer 10 times to receive a $100 honorarium.
Volunteer 5 times to receive a $50 honorarium.
Each volunteer shift will enter you in a draw to win prizes from our sponsors, like free tickets to the VSO.
Small & Solo Ensemble Festival
Unitarian Church: (April 7-19)
Fireside and Sanctuary Rooms:
April 7-17 (Senior Piano), Mikolaj Warszynski and Patricia Tao - Adjudicators
Tom Lee Downtown: (April 7-18, 20-21)
April 7-18 (Intermediate Piano), Everett Hopfner - Adjudicator
April 20-21 (Classical Guitar), Charles Hobson - Adjudicator
St. Faith’s Anglican Church (April 7-17, 23-30)
April 7-17 (Junior Piano, Level 4-6), Jean Brown - Adjudicator
April 23-30 (Junior Piano, Preparatory – Level 3), Donna Falconer - Adjudicator
St. Philip's Anglican Church (April 5-17, 23-29)
Fireside Room:
April 15-16 (Contemporary Voice), Dawn Pemberton - Adjudicator
April 7-13 (Cello and Double Bass, Small Ensembles), Brian Yoon - Adjudicator
April 24-29 (Junior Violin and Viola), Anni Yu - Adjudicator
April 5-11 (Intermediate and Senior Violin, Small Ensembles), Hojean Yoo - Adjudicator
April 11-17 (Brass and Woodwinds), Mary Byrne - Adjudicator
April 23-26 (Musical Theatre), Melissa Morris - Adjudicator
April 27-29 (Classical Voice), Benjamin Butterfield - Adjudicator
Vancouver Academy of Music (April 21-22)
April 21-22 (Harp), Josh Layne - Adjudicator Ensemble Festival
Both festivals will be held at Massey Theatre in
New Westminster
Choral Festival
Wednesday, April 2nd - Friday, April 4th
Concert Band and Orchestra Festival
Monday, April 7th to - Friday, April 11th
Both Large Ensemble Festivals, which feature choirs, concert bands, and orchestras from around the Greater Vancouver area, are during daytime hours, Monday to Friday. Shifts are available from 7 AM to 6 PM.
Large Ensemble Festival
For the Large Ensemble Festival, in addition to Ambassador (Registration Desk) and Adjudicator Secretary roles, we are also in great need of:
Parking Attendants
A number of school buses will be entering the parking lot for Massey Theatre. This parking lot is shared with the adjacent high school, and we are looking for a volunteer to help us ensure that buses park in the correct parking lot.
Stage Hands
In-between performances, we require crucial stage hands to help us set the stage for different numbers of instruments.
This will involve moving chairs and music stands. This person should be comfortably able to lift 10 lbs.
Festival Venue Locations.
Your Festival Team.
Vicki Cummings
Krista Pederson
Sara Ramsay
Franki Katz
Volunteer Today.
Our organization encourages the participation of volunteers who support our mission.
If you agree with our mission and are willing to volunteer for us, please complete the following form.
Want to get in touch with a person? Reach out to us at volunteer@vkmfestivals.org
NOTE: To get volunteering info emailed to you, you MUST SAY YES to “Subscribe me to your newsletter.”