Solo & Small Ensemble

Welcome to Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festivals 2022. Learn more below about becoming a participant in our Solo & Small Ensembles Festivals from April 12th to 30th, 2022.

About the Event

The Solo and Small Ensembles Festivals will run April 12-30, 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the upcoming Festivals classes will operate either as Virtual Studio performances or Pre-recorded performances.

Virtual Studio performances apply to Solo Provincial Excellence and Solo Open classes. Pre-recorded performances apply to all other Solo and Small Ensemble classes.

We have updated the General Rules and Syllabi to incorporate plans for sharing the Pre-recorded performances with other class participants, parents, guardians, teachers, and community members.

Virtual Studio and Pre-recorded class participants in competitive classes are eligible for consideration to the Performing Arts BC (PABC) Provincial Festival. See the VKMF General Rules and PABC Syllabus for eligibility criteria for PABC's Junior, Intermediate, Senior, and Provincial Excellence Provincial Festival classes.

Key Dates

January 4th
Registration is Open

February 15th
Registration Closed

March 15th
Submission deadline for final PDF music for all classes (one PDF file per selection, see FAQ for more details)

March 15th
Submission deadline of final YouTube video link URL for Pre-recorded performance class (one URL per class, see FAQ for more details, set as "unlisted video" during YouTube upload process)

April 12th to 30th
Solo and Small Ensemble Festivals (adjudication period for Pre-recorded performance and Virtual Studio classes)

Learn More

Sheet Music & Video Links

All music is to be uploaded as a single PDF file per selection by the submission deadline. Video recordings for Pre-recorded classes are to be uploaded as a single YouTube URL per class entry by the submission deadline. Late submissions and class entries without PDF/URL submissions will not be adjudicated.

Sheet music (PDF) and YouTube video links (URL) must be uploaded at the time of registration (see below for more information).

Adherence to copyright regulations is imperative.

Virtual Studio Classes

Virtual Studio classes will take place in a VKMF broadcast studio. The participant will perform to an Adjudicator on a video call who will adjudicate the performance remotely and in real time. There is no audience; however, other personnel on-site may include a Venue Manager and Venue Technician. Other participants will wait outside the studio until they are invited to enter the studio. Masks are to be worn at all times unless performing. Processes and protocols are subject to change as Provincial Health Orders are updated.

Piano classes are tentatively scheduled at Tom Lee Music Downtown April 12-16, 2021. Solo brass, classical guitar, harp, strings, voice, woodwind are tentatively scheduled at Pyatt Hall at the VSO School of Music April 19-25, 2021. All dates are subject to change.

While video links are not used for Virtual Studio classes, URL blank links need to be input at registration due to limitations in the registration platform. Review Solarislive How-to Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to understand how to navigate these limitations.

Pre-recorded Classes

Pre-recorded class participants will record themselves at their own locations and submit a YouTube video link (URL) of their performance. The General Rules provide details regarding the format, process, and protocols for these recordings. An Adjudicator will adjudicate the recorded performance remotely, but not in real time. Results will be available in May.

While the General Rules require that one video link be submitted for classes with multiple selections, the registration platform provides separate fields for each selection. Review Solarislive How-to Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to understand how to navigate these limitations.